The abandoned prawn ponds are used for culture too, mainly using long lines.
The oysters cultured in the floating cages, using plastic trays.
In Malaysia, oysters are cultured using floating cages, using plastic trays.
The laval culture tanks showing the process when water being drained to collect the larve. The commercial larvae are Crassostrea iredalei and Crassostrea belchri.
The nursery system used is upwellers to produce singles.
The nursery system using upwellers.
A photo showing the plankton culture at carboy or 20L stage, followed by the mass plankton culture using fiberglass cylindrical tanks.
A photo showing the seeds being graded to different sizes before either transferring back to the nursery or to be transferred to the growout areas.
Oyster juveniles ready to be sorted in the growout areas.
Two months old spat produced in the harchery.
A photo showing the meat quality of the hatchery produced oyster.
Photos:Dr. Tan Shau Hwai, Aileen, Universiti Sains Malaysia