Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre (Bangor University)
Dr. Maria Emilia Cunha, Portugal, who asked questions.
Prizewinners of the WOS Early Stage Investigator Award. From left: Dr. Zoe Hilton (First Prize), Dr. Ma. Junemie Hazel Lebata-Ramos (Second Prize) and Mr. David L.J. Vendrami (Third Prize).
Poster Sessions
Oyster Celebration
Chateau Rhianfa where Oyster Celebration was held.
Oyster Celebration
Prof. Katsuyoshi Mori and Prof. Michael Crawford
From left: Tristan Hugh-Jones (Loch Ryan Oysters), James Green (Whitstable Oysters), Shaun Krijnen (Menai Oysters) and Chris Ranger (Fal Oysters).
Lunch Time
Closing Celemony
Excursion- Trip on board the mussel dredger ` Mare Gratia ` to view Menai Strait, Puffin Island and Bangor University and Deepdock Ltd offshore trial site
From left: Dr. Janet Brown, Dr. Ir. Nancy Nevejan and Dr. Jon King.
From left: Ms. Viviana Rocca, Dr. Ir. Nancy Nevejan and Ms. Burnell Shively.
WOS Steering Committee Meeting and VIP Dinner
Prof. Katsuyoshi Mori, WOS President, and Ms. Kahren Dowcett, Director of the North and South American Chapter
Prof. Qi Li, Director of the Chinese Chapter, introduced Ocean University of China, Qingdao, the venue for the next International Oyster Symposium (IOS)
Ms. Jill Coates, Director of the Asian and Oceanian Chapter, reported on the activities in the chapter.
VIP Dinner. From the front of the left: Mr. Daniel Lee, Mrs. King, Prof. Michael Crawford, Prof. Mori and Mrs. Mori. From the front of the right: Dr. Jon King, Mrs. Crawford, Raymond Keene OBE, Ms. Burnell Shively and Ms. Viviana Rocca
Photos : Watanabe Oyster Laboratory Co., Ltd. ; Mr. Daniel Lee (Member of the IOS7 Organizing Committee) ; Dr. Janet Brown (Editor, “The Grower”) ; iLINK Inc. and Japan Microbiological Laboratory, Inc.